Baseball basics is a maze runner game where your one objective is to find a cabbage. However, this goal is complicated by one legged, explosive robots. With your trusty baseball bat in hand, smack these enemies away as you make your way to the cabbage, but be careful because they will explode after being hit.

How the game was made:

I was given 1 month to produce any game to my liking with very few requirements and for a while I had been wanting to do a little bit of expermenting with ragdoll physics. I decided to keep it fairly simple and only give one aspect of the game ragdoll physics and that was the weapon. Basically this baseball bat would swing towards the centre of the screen, so if the player wanted to hit something, he would actually have to swing the bat.

As usual,  I began by setting out a Trello to do list. I created everything I thought I would need to do and got to work

First two weeks of development: 

I worked on the baseball bat code for a while and got it working. I wasn't quite satysfied with it, but I had to move onto other things, like an enemy. It was a really fun learning experience modelling and animating this dude. I almost liked him too much to make him an enemy. When he was done, I decided the player and enemy needed a better map to walk around on, because uptil that point, they'd been on a test map. Since the start of the project I had wanted to make a pyramid for the map, so that's what I did. In the first two weeks, I also made menus, a prop, and got the player and enemy movement working. Making the prop was quite difficult because I had to learn UV-unwrapping but it was really worth it and lots of fun.

Final two weeks of development:

A lot of the latter two weeks was spent focused on the enemies method of attack, exploding. Because of how I had made everything so far, heaps of the scripts I had written needed reworking to allow for the explosions. I spoke to a couple of teachers at my school about my problems when I couldn't get it working and they were super helpful. The codes end result is pretty messy, but I don't want to touch it because it works XD. For some reason, in the last three days I decided to cram in, health for the player, a new map, a chair, a ginger beer bottle because I happened to be drinking it at the time, and enemy spawners... Let’s just say I didn’t know I could work that fast. I had it done, like, 15 minutes before I wanted it ready for handing in. Here's the final result: 

In the end, I had an epic time working on the game.

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